
Computer-Based Teaching Software Suite for Digital Logic Design.


WinLogiLab - is an interactive computerised teaching suite developed for the design of combinatorial and sequential logic circuits. WinLogiLab comprises of a set of tutorials that uses student provided input data, to perform the initial design steps for digital Combinatorial and Sequential logic circuits. The combinatorial tutorials are designed to show the link between Boolean Algebra and Digital Logic circuits, and follows the initial design steps: from Boolean algebra, truth tables, to Exact and the Heuristic minimisation techniques, to finally produce the combinatorial circuit. Similarly, the sequential tutorials can design simple State Machine Counters, and can model more complex Finite State Automata.


This is a fully functional version of the program suite. Thus, *NO* limitations to the software execution have been imposed.
There is also NO Registration requirements, and the software has NO time-outs.
The application has NO adverts, and does NOT collect, store, or transmit any user information.


No liability whatsoever for the program operation, use of the data, accuracy of the data, loss of information, or anything else is accepted by the author of this program.

Due to the increasing legal concerns, the user of the software must first agree to the 'Licence Agreement' form that will be displayed on first run of the software. This 'Licence Agreement' information provides a more in-depth coverage on the 'no liability' status of this 'as is' supplied free software.


PKZiped Installation file:     (~4.0 MB ZIP file)

The above is a compressed ZIP file of the executable setup file called:

Download this file, unzip it, and run the installer executable.


WinLogiLab is being developed for Android.