Base Conversion

An android application to Convert numbers between various numerical bases and between various binary codes


Application to Convert numbers between various numerical bases (like Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal) and between various binary codes (like BCD and Grey codes).  The full mathematical process for converting the number is also proved.

The application is Free and does NOT contain any adverts and NO in-app purchases.

The application does not collect, record, or send any data.


Base Conversion is Free and does NOT contain any adverts or in-app purchases.  The app does NOT collect, store, record, or send any data.  The app does NOT access any other phone information (like contacts or bookmarks).

The app only performs pure technical "numerical base conversion of user entered data", and thus contains NO other extraneous functions or information that would be unsafe for minors.


An alternative to installation from the Google Play store is to download and install the APK directly.

APK Installation file:      HakaSoft_BaseCon_V1.apk    (~6.8 MB APK file)

The above is an Android Application (APK) file of the executable.

Download this file to an Android device, and click on the download to install the application.

This application is only designed for Android Version 4 to 7.

NOTE: You will need to "Allow Installation of Unknown Sources" be selected in the Security section of the device Settings menu.


The app can be installed from the Google Play store by selecting the button link.